112/9/18(一)【課程邀請講座】「Key issues for Indigenously driven development: the case of Pongso no Tau 原住民族為主體之發的關鍵議題:人之島(蘭嶼)為例」(Professor Eric Clark,Lund University, Sweden)

  • 2023-09-14
  • 何京蕙
This lecture begins with a call to critically examine core concepts concerning development, including improvement, investment, and economy, to name a few. I sketch a brief outline of how processes of commodification and financialisation of land, in the name of ‘development’, open up space for capturing potential rents. Karl Polanyi’s work on community reciprocity, market exchange and state redistribution is also introduced as an analytical framework for understanding key issues surrounding Indigenously driven development. Synthesising ‘rent gap’ theory and Polanyi’s ‘modes of integration’, I then turn to how issues surrounding Indigenously driven development have played out, and continue to play out, on the island of Pongso no Tau (Lanyu). Tourism is the main sector in which Taiwanese ‘investments’ geared to capture potential rents have impacted Tau communities. The relative strengths of and interplay between community reciprocity, market exchange and state redistribution determine in part how rent gaps on the island form and unfold, but also how key issues such as tourism, fishing rights and waste management emerge and evolve. The case of Pongso no Tau provides important lessons for fostering Indigenously driven development. I conclude with reflections on Indigenously driven development in general and Pongso no Tau in particular. 

本講題以批判性地檢視有關發展的核心概念為起始,包括改善、投資和經濟等。首先簡要勾勒土地商品化和金融化的過程,如何以「開發」的名義為獲取潛在地租利潤開闢了空間;再概述政治經濟學家卡爾·波蘭尼(Karl Polanyi)於社區互惠、市場交換和國家再分配等方面的研究,作為理解在地驅動發展的關鍵問題之分析框架。綜合「租隙理論」(’rent gap’ theory)和波蘭尼的「整合型模式」(’modes of integration’),進而探討圍繞這些概念的相關議題如何在原住民為主體的島嶼發展上發揮作用,並持續影響(以蘭嶼為例)。觀光業是台灣「投資」者攫取潛在地租利潤,並衝擊原住民族社區的主要驅動力。然而,達悟族文化底蘊相對強項的社區互惠,與市場交換和國家再分配之間的相互作用,也在一定程度上決定了島上租隙的是否形成或展開,並影響了旅遊業、捕魚權和廢物管理等關鍵問題的出現和演變。「人之島」(蘭嶼) 的案例為促進原住民族為主體之發展提供了重要學習課題。最後,講者對在地驅動的發展議題,特別是「人之島」(蘭嶼)進行了反思。

Eric Clark 教授是瑞典隆德大學(Lund University)人文地理學系名譽教授暨瑞典皇家人文學院 (Royal Society of Letters at Lund)院士,研究專長包括都市變遷政治經濟學、縉伸化(gentrification)、島嶼發展、永續性、土地金融化等,近期並進行批判性耕地與永續食物系統研究,且在瑞典西南部Blekinge鄉野地區建立小型森林農園。其夫人Dr. Annika Pissin 是瑞典隆德大學東亞及東南亞研究中心(Center for East and South-East Asian Studies)前研究員及永續生活實踐者,於本(2023)年九月一起至臺灣進行三週短期學術訪問。

Eric Clark is professor emeritus at Lund University. His research interests include the political economy of urban change, gentrification, island development, sustainability, financialisation, and more recently, critical agrarian and food studies. He is currently establishing a small forest garden in rural Blekinge (southeast Sweden).
(2022) https://www.karlpolanyisociety.com/2022/09/29/socialisation-of-housing-in-sweden-and-denmark-a-polanyian-lesson/ 
(2021) Potential rents vs potential lives. Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space. (with Annika Pissin) https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.1177/0308518X20971308
